Sunday, August 13, 2006

Pirates and Heroes - Fathers and Sons

I'm on vacation. Literally.

While I haven't posted a Churn piece in some time, that's only because work and relationships have kept me from having a tiny ounce of creativity. Which isn't to say I'm not creative at work or in my relationships.

But tomorrow my 12-year-old son and I strike out for a few days of rest and relaxation. No Game Cube, no iPod. Just him, me, our bikes, a deck of cards (time to teach him poker), fishing rods, and some food necessities.

On our little camping excursion, we'll talk about a myriad of things including girls and sixth grade, pirates and heroes, and numerous other topics that don't seem to have linkages. But all the conversations do have a purpose - and as the dad, I get to find the purpose. What fun!

This is not the first of our vacations and it won't be the last. Father/son time just before school starts, is some of the best time I could ask for with him.