Friday, March 30, 2007

Hiatus of Sorts

It’s official. I can no longer call this a “blog” and Daily Churn is a totally ironeous title for the ensuing pages. After initiating my triathlon training on March 5 and throwing myself into occasional two-a-day workout sessions, sleeping as much as possible and counting calories as well as grams of fat, carbohydrates and proteins there’s very little time to write frequently here.

So I turned to clipping segments of interesting articles and even that tends to be too laborious. So, until I’ve completed my first triathlon effort this summer, or until I’m somewhat moved to write again, I’ll let Daily Churn sit idle…kinda like George Bush does whenever the topic of getting the U.S. forces out of Iraq comes up.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Man gets probation for sexual contact with dead deer

This is more than disturbing. I'm thinking most of Wisconsin should be fenced off and patroled by our top-notch federal border patrol posse.
clipped from
SUPERIOR — A 20-year-old Superior man received probation after he was convicted
of having sexual contact with a dead deer.

The sentence also requires Bryan James Hathaway to be evaluated as a sex
offender and treated at the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in
Duluth, Minn.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Richest Year in History

I want my share!
clipped from

According to Forbes, this is the richest year in human history ... for those people who are already mind-bogglingly rich. But what about the rest of us?

Says Forbes Chief Executive Steve Forbes: “This is the richest year ever in human history. Never in history has there been such a notable advance.”

Of course this historic advance is largely confined to those who were already mind-bogglingly rich to begin with. For working people as a whole, there’s at best a holding action and at worst a retreat. Let’s look at the figures without Steve Forbes’ rose-colored glasses.

The CBPP explained that the enormous gains at the top of the income pyramid caused a rise of income as a whole. But median income dropped between 2003 and 2004, and has not risen appreciably since then.

So what does it all mean? Even if Bush wasn’t in Brazil peddling alternative fuels for South America while we pay higher and higher prices for fuel oil, the economy looks a lot better from the top. 

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